华斌,武汉大学物理科学与技术学院教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为燃料电池/电解槽的关键材料-器件-工程化应用、电催化与非均相催化、透射电镜,以及计算材料学与计算化学。研究内容涵盖了材料的“制备-表征-计算-催化-器件”五个方面。2010年和2014年分别于武汉理工大学和华中科技大学取得材料科学与工程学士学位和材料学博士学位,2015-2021年先后在加拿大Alberta大学、美国Idaho国家实验室和美国Battelle Energy Alliance LLC公司从事新能源领域的基础科学和工程化应用的研究工作,2021年末加入武汉大学物理科学与技术学院开展可再生电子与分子(Renewable Electrons and Molecules)的课题研究。已在Nature Catalysis、Chem、Advanced Materials、Energy & Environmental Science等期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇。曾参与863计划、重点研发计划、加拿大自然科学基金和美国能源部重大前沿项目等科研项目。已申请5项美国发明专利和2项中国发明专利。担任美国电化学协会、美国化学学会、美国材料学会和国际电化学能源协会会员。担任Nature Energy、Nature Communications等SCI期刊的评审专家。担任Frontiers in Energy Research、Crystals等SCI期刊的客座编辑。
可再生电子与分子实验室(Renewable Electrons and Molecules Laboratory)致力于利用固体氧化物电解槽、固体氧化物燃料电池、可逆燃料电池、水系电解槽、热-电耦合膜反应器,以及多相催化技术等实现化石能源和生物质能源的清洁高效转化、二氧化碳资源化、氢能开发与利用、电能高效存储与转换,并结合理论计算、高级表征技术和原位探测方法揭示材料的物理化学本征特性与电催化/催化性能间的联系,为低碳能源关键材料和器件的开发和工程化应用提供技术支撑。
代表性工作(Representative Work, * Corresponding author,# Equal contribution)
M. Li#, B. Hua#, L.C. Wang, J.D. Sugar, W. Wu, Y. Ding, J. Li, D. Ding*, Switching of metal–oxygen hybridization for selective CO2 electrohydrogenation under mild temperature and pressure, Nature Catalysis, 2021, 4, 274.
M. Li, B. Hua*, J. Chen, Y. Zhong, J.-L. Luo, Charge transfer dynamics in RuO2/perovskite nanohybrid for enhanced electrocatalysis in solid oxide electrolyzers, Nano Energy, 2019, 57, 186.
B. Hua, N. Yan, M. Li, Y.-Q. Zhang, Y.-F. Sun, J. Li, T. Etsell, P. Sarkar, K. Chuang, J.-L. Luo*, Novel layered solid oxide fuel cells with multiple-twinned Ni0.8Co0.2 nanoparticles: the key to thermally independent CO2 utilization and power-chemical cogeneration, Energy & Environmental Science, 2016, 9, 207.
B. Hua*#, N. Yan#, M. Li, Y.-F. Sun, Y.-Q. Zhang, J. Li, T. Etsell, P. Sarkar, J.-L. Luo*, Anode-engineered protonic ceramic fuel cell with excellent performance and fuel compatibility, Advanced Materials, 2016, 28, 8922.
B. Hua, Y.-Q. Zhang, N. Yan*, M. Li, Y.-F. Sun, J. Chen, J. Li, J.-L. Luo*, The excellence of both worlds: developing effective double perovskite oxide catalyst of oxygen reduction reaction for room and elevated temperature applications, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26, 4106.
B. Hua, M. Li, Y.-Q. Zhang, J. Chen, Y.-F. Sun*, N. Yan*, J. Li, J.-L. Luo*, Facile synthesis of highly active and robust Ni–Mo bimetallic electrocatalyst for hydrocarbon oxidation in solid oxide fuel cells, ACS Energy Letters, 2016, 1, 225.
Y.-F. Sun, Y.-Q. Zhang, J. Chen, J.-H. Li*, Y. Zhu, Y. Zeng, B. S. Amirkhiz, J. Li, B. Hua*, J.-L. Luo*, New opportunity for in situ exsolution of metallic nanoparticles on perovskite parent, Nano Letters, 2016, 16, 5303.
Y.-F. Sun, J.-H. Li*, Y.-Q. Zhang, B. Hua*, J.-L. Luo*, Bifunctional catalyst of core–shell nanoparticles socketed on oxygen-deficient layered perovskite for soot combustion: in situ observation of synergistic dual active sites, ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6, 2710.
B. Hua*#, M. Li#, W. Pang, W. Tang, S. Zhao, Z. Jin, Y. Zeng, B. Shalchi Amirkhiz, J.-L. Luo*, Activating p-blocking centers in perovskite for efficient water splitting, Chem, 2018, 4, 2902.
B. Hua, M. Li*, J.-L. Luo*, A facile surface chemistry approach to bifunctional excellence for perovskite electrocatalysis, Nano Energy, 2018, 49, 117.
B. Hua, M. Li, Y.-Q. Zhang, Y.-F. Sun, J.-L. Luo*, All-in-one perovskite catalyst: smart controls of architecture and composition toward enhanced oxygen/hydrogen evolution reactions, Advanced Energy Materials, 2017, 7, 1700666.
B. Hua*, M. Li, Y.-F. Sun, Y.-Q. Zhang, N. Yan, J. Chen, T. Thundat, J. Li, J.-L. Luo*, A coupling for success: Controlled growth of Co/CoOx nanoshoots on perovskite mesoporous nanofibers as high-performance trifunctional electrocatalysts in alkaline condition, Nano Energy, 2017, 32, 247.
Y.-Q. Zhang, H.-B. Tao, J. Liu, Y.-F. Sun, J. Chen, B. Hua*, T. Thundat, J.-L. Luo*, A rational design for enhanced oxygen reduction: Strongly coupled silver nanoparticles and engineered perovskite nanofibers, Nano Energy, 2017, 38, 392.
B. Hua, Y.-F. Sun, M. Li, Y.-Q. Zhang, N. Yan*, J. Chen, Y. Zeng, B. S. Amirkhiz, J.-L. Luo*, Stabilizing double perovskite for effective bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysis in alkaline conditions, Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 6228.
Dr. Bin HUA is a professor of Materials Science in School of Physics and Technology at Wuhan University (WHU), China. He is the principal investigator of the Renewable Electrons and Molecules Laboratory that centers on the study of energy materials, electrochemical energy technologies, as well as computational materials and computational chemistry. He is passionate about understanding and manipulating materials lattice structure, surface and interface for development of renewable energy conversion and storage technologies, such as fuel cell, electrolyzer, metal-air battery and solid-state battery. He combines advanced characterization techniques with computations to understand the function mechanisms of materials and systems at levels of electrons, ions, molecules, particles and devices using a bottom-up approach; and applies these fundamental understandings to establish unified, predictive framework for the materials selection and system integration. He received his Ph.D. in Materials Science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China in 2014. Prior to joining WHU, he worked in University of Alberta, Idaho National laboratory and Battelle Energy Alliance LLC for more than 6 years. He has over 64 publications in high-profile journals such as Nature Catalysis, Chem and Advanced Materials, and has filed 5 US provisional/non-provisional patents in the related fields. He is also an active reviewer for Nature Energy, Nature Communications, Advanced Energy materials, etc., and has been an invited speaker at several professional conferences including ACS, ECS, and CCE.
The Renewable Electrons and Molecules Laboratory at WHU is looking for excellent students and researchers who are interested in energy materials, electrochemistry, electrochemical interface, chemical engineering, simulation, materials characterization, and electrical engineering. Students and young scholars with an academic background in Materials Science & Engineering, Applied Physics, Physics, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering are encouraged to apply. If you are interested in joining our group, please send your CV and cover letter (including your background and interest) to bin.hua@whu.edu.cn.
Email: bin.hua@whu.edu.cn
School of Physics and Technology
Physics Building, Rm B-216
Wuhan University
Luojiashan, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China