王暮迪,武汉大学物理科学与技术学院教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才。主要从事声子/光子晶体中拓扑物态方面的研究,以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Physical Review Letters(4篇)、Nature Communications(2篇)、 Science Advances以及Light: Science & Applications(2篇)等杂志上发表多篇论文。部分研究成果被PRL杂志选为“Editors’ Suggestion”、“Featured in Physics”和“Physical Review Letters collection of the year 2024”,并且受到Science杂志“Editor’s Choice”栏目以及美国物理学会旗下网站Physics的亮点报道。
2025.03至今 武汉大学, 物理科学与技术学院, 教授
2024.07-2025.02 香港科技大学, 物理系, 研究助理教授
2019.07-2024.06 香港科技大学, 物理系, 博士后
2014.09-2019.06 武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,凝聚态物理,博士
2010.09-2014.06 武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,物理学,学士
代表性工作(*表示通讯作者, #表示共同第一作者)
(1) Mudi Wang*, Ruo-Yang Zhang, Chenyu Zhang, Haoran Xue, Hongwei Jia, Jing Hu, Dongyang Wang, Tianshu Jiang, C. T. Chan*. Three-dimensional nonreciprocal transport in photonic topological heterostructure of arbitrary shape. Science Advances 11, eadq9285 (2025).
(2) Mudi Wang, Qiyun Ma, Shan Liu, Ruo-Yang Zhang, Lei Zhang, Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu*, C. T. Chan*. Observation of boundary induced chiral anomaly bulk states and their transport properties. Nature Communications 13, 5916 (2022).
(3) Mudi Wang, Shan Liu, Qiyun Ma, Ruo-Yang Zhang*, Dongyang Wang, Qinghua Guo, Biao Yang, Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu*, and C. T. Chan*. Experimental observation of non-Abelian earring nodal links in phononic crystals. Physical Review Letters 128, 246601 (2022).
(4) Mudi Wang, Ruo-Yang Zhang, Lei Zhang, Dongyang Wang, Qinghua Guo, Zhao-Qing Zhang, and C. T. Chan*. Topological one-way large-area waveguide states in magnetic photonic crystals. Physical Review Letters 126, 067401 (2021). (被Science杂志“Editor’s Choice”栏目报道)
(5) Mudi Wang, Wenyi Zhou, Liya Bi, Chunyin Qiu, Manzhu Ke and Zhengyou Liu*. Valley-locked waveguide transport in acoustic heterostructures. Nature Communications 11, 3000 (2020).
(6) Mudi Wang, Liping Ye, J. Christensen*, and Zhengyou Liu*. Valley physics in non-hermitian artificial acoustic boron nitride. Physical Review Letters 120, 246601 (2018).
(7) Tiantao Qu#, Mudi Wang#, Xiaoyu Cheng, Xiaohan Cui, Ruo-Yang Zhang, Zhao-Qing Zhang, Lei Zhang*, Jun Chen*, and C. T. Chan*. Topological photonic alloy. Physical Review Letters 132, 223802 (2024). (被PRL杂志选为“Editors’ Suggestion”、“Featured in Physics”和“Physical Review Letters collection of the year 2024” )
(8) Weiyuan Tang#, Mudi Wang#, Shaojie Ma, C.T. Chan*, Shuang Zhang*, Magnetically Controllable Multimode Interference in Topological Photonic Crystals, Light: Science & Applications 13, 112 (2024).
(9) Hongwei Jia#*, Mudi Wang#, Shaojie Ma, Ruo-Yang Zhang, Jing Hu, Dongyang Wang and C. T. Chan*, Experimental realization of chiral Landau levels in two-dimensional Dirac cone systems with inhomogeneous effective mass. Light: Science & Applications 12, 165 (2023). (被美国物理学会旗下网站Physics报道)
(10) Tiantao Qu, Mudi Wang*, Jun Chen* and Lei Zhang*, Band-alignment effect in a topological photonic alloy, Phys. Rev. B 110, 094206 (2024).