
来源:武汉大学物理科学与技术学院    发布时间 : 2018/08/15      点击量:

何春清, 博士/教授, 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院

研究方向: 凝聚态物理、核技术应用、材料物理与化学


1991.9-1995.7,  武汉大学物理系 试验班

1995.9-1998.1,  武汉大学物理系 硕士(直博)

1998.2-2001.1,  复旦大学现代物理研究所 博士


2001.3-2003.3  日本高能加速器研究机构,博士后研究员;

2003.4-2004.3  日本京都大学实验原子炉研究所,博士后研究员;

2004.4-2008.3  日本产业技术综合研究所,日本学术振兴会(JSPS fellowship, ID : P04502)研究员及AIST特别研究员;期间曾获批德国洪堡基金研究奖学金(Alexander von Humboldt Research fellowship,申请IDCHN/1122712)

2008.04  迄今 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院。


2011.09-  国际正电子与电子偶素化学国际会议(PPC)顾问委员会委员;

2014.07-  全国正电子湮没谱学专业委员会委员, 副主任、主任

2013.-    教育部全国高校物理学类专业教学指导委员会中南地区工作委员会委员;

2016.-    全国高校物理研究会力学研究会理事;

2016.-    全国高校理论力学物理研究会理事;

2017.-    全国大学生物理学术竞赛执行委员会委员;

2018.01-2021.12 湖北省物理学会副秘书长,秘书处办公室主任。

2018.12- 湖北省复合材料学会第七届理事会理事

2020.-      全国中学生物理竞赛湖北竞赛委员会委员。

20232025 全国中学生物理竞赛委员会委员

主持国家自然科学基金面上项目6骨干参与国家重大研发计划项目1项和自然科学基金面上项目2项,高校自主科研项目2项,曾主持日本学术振兴会(JSPS)研究课题1项,骨干参与日本新能源和工业技术发展机构、日本文部科学省等研究项目3项;在Phys.Rev.A, Phys.Rev.B, Appl.Phys.Lett., J. Hazard. Mater., J.Coll. Interfaces.Sic.,  ACS Appl.Mater.Interfaces., Langmiur国际期刊参与发表论文210余篇。参与主办第九届国际正电子与电子偶素化学会议(PPC-9)、第十七届国际正电子湮没会议(ICPA-17),发起组织主办第一届中日正电子科学双边会议; 20172023年获评武汉大学弘毅学堂优秀教育者;2018年获武汉大学第一届査全性教授1977奖教金


1. 功能材料中纳米孔的正电子湮没谱学表征 主持(国家自然科学基金金面上项目,批准号:12375288);

2. 正电子湮没研究金属有机框架的分子/离子吸附与分离 主持(国家自然科学基金金面上项目,批准号:12075172);

3. 研究动量空间谱学的纳米结构和纳米薄膜的多参数正电子谱学表征新方法: 亚纳米缺陷和介孔材料的精确表征. 20198 20247, 骨干参与 (国家重点研发计划项目,Grant No. 2019YFA0210003, National Key RD Program of China)

4. 利用正电子湮没技术研究燃料电池用复合质子交换膜的微结构及其微结构-性能研究 主持(国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:11875209);

5. 利用慢正电子束研究透明导电氧化物薄膜中的缺陷及其对电性能的影响, 主持 (国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:11575130);

6. 用正电子束研究分离膜的微纳结构及其选择渗透机理, 主持(国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:11375132);

7. 新型正电子微束的产生及其在材料微区分析中的应用, 主持(国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:10975108);

8. 基于捕获阱的脉冲化慢正电子束设计开发与应用研究, 主持(教育部留学服务中心科研启动基金);

9. 电子偶素分子产生的实验研究, 骨干承担 (国家自然科学基金面上项目 批准号:10974149);


1. Coexistence of volatile and non-volatile resistive switching characteristics in NbOx memristor regulated by electron irradiation-induced surface oxygen vacancies. Zhihu Dong, Libing Qian, Qifeng Li, Zhe liu, Jiacheng Guo, Li Wang, Siheng Wu, Rui Xiong, Yong Liu* , Chunqing He*. Applied Surface Science 6872025162295 1 Aprilhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2025.162295

2. Pore characteristics and dye adsorption mechanism of functionalized UiO-66s with various ratios of amino groups. Lan Yang, Dongwei Zhang, Xu Li, Libing Qian, Haoliang Zhang, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. Langmuir, 2024, 40, 41, 21395–21406.


3. Optimization of a Low Surface Energy Coating for Enhanced Water Resistance and Condensation Suppression. Siwei Pan, Yanwen Ouyang, Yaohong Zhao, Qing Wang, Yihua Qian, Chunqing He *. Materials 2024, 17(21), 5238; https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17215238.

4. 2D SnSe2 nanosheets decorated with 0D In2O3 nanoparticles for low-temperature low-concentration TEA detection. Li Wang, Jianpeng Li, Xu Cheng, Ziqin Yang, Xiangyun Tan, Zhihu Dong, Xu Li, Dongwei Zhang, Fengfei Fang, Chunqing He*.

Nano Materials Science 6, 764-774(2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoms.2024.02.010

5. Significantly Enhanced Corona Resistance of Epoxy Composite by incorporation with Functionalized Graphene Oxide. Yue Yang, Yuming Wang, Chunqing He, Zheng Wang, Xiangyang Peng, Pengfei Fang *. Materials 1768642024https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17194864

6. Surface Microstructure Study on Corona Discharge-Treated Polyethylene Using Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy. Jingjing Li; Zhiwei Shen; Liuyang Tie; Tianyuan Long; Qiyue Zhong; Xi Chen; Chongshan Yin; Liguo Liufu; Xianhao Huang; Bangyun Xiong, Xibo Li*, Chongxiong Duan andChunqing He*. Molecules 29(17), 4147 (2024) . https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules29174147

7. Outstanding proton conductivity over wide temperature and humidity ranges and enhanced mechanical, thermal stabilities for surface-modified MIL-101-Cr-NH2/Nafion composite membranes. Xu Li, Dongwei Zhang, Si Chen, Yingzhao Geng, Yong Liu, Libing Qian, Xi Chen, Jingjing Li, Pengfei Fang and Chunqing He*. Green Energy and Environment 9 (2024) 1734-1746.


8. Numerical Simulation of CIGS Thin-Film Solar Cells. CHEN Jinfu, WANG Li, DONG Zhihu, CAI Yang, QIN Xinyu, HE Chunqing*. Semiconductor optoelectronics 64(5), 369-377 (2024). CIGS薄膜太阳能电池的数值模拟研究.陈金福,王莉,董志虎,蔡阳,覃新宇,何春清*.半导体光电 64(5), (2024) 369-377.https://doi.org/10.16818/j.issn1001-5868.2024010302

9. Composite proton exchange membrane featuring a three-layer structure: Enhanced thermal stability, proton conductivity, and fuel cell performance

Chongshan Yin*, Deyuan Chen, Mengyao Hu, Huihua Jing, Libing Qian, Chunqing He*. Journal of Membrane Science 707, 2024122997.


10. High adsorption of Cu(II) in novel thiacalix[4]arene/acrylic polymer/diatomite fast fabricated by electron beam irradiation: Controllable microstructures, adsorption performance and mechanism. Xiuqin Tang, Guowen Hu, Zhiyuan Chen, Libing Qian, Chunqing He, Tao Chen, Jie Gao, Yuan Zhao, Xiaobing Han. Chemical Engineering Journal 495, (2024) 153090.


11. Ultrasensitive triethylamine gas sensors with ZnSe nanospheres/nest-like Cr-doped MoO3. Xiangyun Tan, Li Wang, Xi Chen, Haoliang Zhang, Jiacheng Guo, Zhihu Dong, Chunqing He*. Journal of Hazardous Materials 474, (2024) 134709.


12. Highly Sulfonated Poly Ether Ether Ketone Chelated with Cu2+ as A Proton Exchange Membrane at Sub-zero Temperatures. Xu Li, Libing Qian, Dongwei Zhang, Haoliang Zhang, Lan Yang, Guoqing Song, Jinzhao Han, Pengfei Fang and Chunqing He*. Journal of Colloid And Interface Science 672, (2004)21-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2024.05.215

13. Nitrogen-doped cross-cutting bamboo-derived porous carbon by one-pot ball milling method for high-performance supercapacitors. Haoliang Zhang, Jinzhao Han, Yunjie Ping, Shiju Yang, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. Diamond & Related Materials 145, (2024) 111134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2024.111134

14. Ultra-high ON/OFF ratio with low set voltage for Pt-Nb2O5-Pt resistivity switching device. Pengbo Gao, Jiacheng Guo, Qifeng Li, Zhihu Dong, Yuanyuan Zhu, Jing Xu, Yong Liu*, Hongjun Wang*, Chunqing He*. Physics Letters A 512 (2024) 129568. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2024.129568  

15. Conductive bismuth-catecholate metal–organic frameworks grown on Ti3C2Tx nanosheets for high-performance supercapacitors. Si Chen, Haoliang Zhang, Yong Liu, Jiacheng Guo, Xu Li, Mingyi Zhang, Dongwei Zhang, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. ACS Applied Nano Materials 7(12), (2024)14310–14320.


16. Analysis of Aging Characteristics of Umbrella Skirts of Composite Insulators Operating under the Influence of a Wind and Sand Environment in South Xinjiang.

Zhang Xiaojun , Shilong Kuang , Suzhou Wu , Wenbing Zhuang , He Chunqing.

2024 Materials 17(3):680. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17030680

17. Morphology regulation of conductive metal– organic frameworks in situ grown on graphene oxide for high-performance supercapacitors. Haoliang Zhang, Lan Yang, Xu Li, Yunjie Ping, Jinzhao Han, Si Chen and Chunqing He*. Dalton Transactions 53,  (2024) 4680-4688.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3dt04249a

18. High performance and highly selective sensing of Triethylamine sensors based on Cu-doped MoO3 nanobelts. Xiangyun Tan, Xi Chen, Jiacheng Guo, Li Wang, Zhihu Dong, Xu Li, Lan Yang, Dongwei Zhang, Libing Qian, Chunqing He*. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 976, 173152 (2024). (5 March 2024


19. Surface collapse of fine powders ground from HKUST-1 big crystals investigated by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. Lan Yang, Libing Qian, Dawei Cao, Xu Li, Jiacheng Guo, Haoliang Zhang, Dongwei Zhang and Chunqing He*. Applied Surface Science 646 (2024) 158937.


20. Fabrication of a fluorocarbon low surface energy coating for anti-stain applications. Siwei Pan, Qing Hu, Yaohong Zhao, Qing Wang, Yuanyuan Li, Yihua Qian, Chunqing He *. Materials 16, 7516(2023).


21. Heterojunction composite of Bi2Se3 nanosheets and MoO3 nanobelts for high-performance triethylamine sensor. Xiangyun Tan, Li Wang, Xi Chen, Haoliang Zhang, Si Chen, Libing Qian, Zhiyuan Chen, Chunqing He*. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2023, 11,16356-16367. https://doi.org/10.1039/d3tc03187j

22. Design and Synthesis of Low Surface Energy Coating with Functionalized Al2O3 Nanoparticles. Siwei PanYuanyuan Li, Yaohong Zhao, Qing Wang,Qing Hu, Yihua Qian, Chunqing He. Materials 2023, 16(22), 7223;


23. Linear relationship between lateral size of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) and water vapor barrier property in RGO/PEI composite membrane. Qing Zeng, Chongshan Yin, Xi Li, Chunqing He. Journal of Membrane Science 684 (2023) 121876.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2023.121876

24. The Influence of Titanium Dioxide Nanosheet on Water Permeability of Silicone Rubber after Nitrogen Dioxide Aging Treatment. Xiangyang Peng*, Jinshuai Zhang, Jiapeng Fang, Zheng Wang, Zhen Huang, Shilong Kuang, Chunqing He. Materials Materials 2023, 16(22), 7138. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16227138

25. MOF-derived Spindle-shaped Z-scheme ZnO/ZnFe2O4 Heterojunction: A Magnetic Recovery Photocatalyst for Efficient Tetracycline Hydrochloride Degradation. Shilong Suo, Wenmei Ma, Siyi Zhang, Ziwu Han, Yumin Wang, Yuanyuan Li, Yi Xiong, Yong Liu, Chunqing He, Pengfei Fang*. Materials 2023, 16(20), 6639; https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16206639

26. Study on NO2 barrier properties of RTV silicone rubber by incorporation functional graphene oxide. Authors: Zhen Huang*, Jinshuai Zhang, Zheng Wang, Xiangyang Peng, Jiapeng Fang, Chunqing He, Pengfei Fan. Materials, Materials 16(5), 19822023. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16051982

27. Negative electrodes for supercapacitors with good performance using conductive bismuth-catecholate metal–organic frameworks. Si Chen,  Haoliang Zhang, Xu Li,  Yong Liu, Mingyi Zhang, Xiangyang Gao, Xin Chang,  Xiangjun Pu  and  Chunqing He*. Dalton Trans. 52, 4826-48349 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1039/D3DT00117B


28. Extra highways for proton diffusion in TiO2@MIL-101-Cr/Nafion composite membranes with high single-cell performance. Xu Li, Libing Qian, Lei Liu, Zhe Liu, Haoliang Zhang, Lan Yang, Dongwei Zhang, Zhiyuan Chen, Pengfei Fang and Chunqing He*. Journal of Power Sources 564 (2023) 232906. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.232906

29. Thin-film composite membrane for desalination containing a sulfonated UiO-66 material. Qizhao Luo, Jingjing Li, Panfeng Yun , Libing Qian, Jinshuai Zhang, Chunqing He*, Xuejiao Hu*, and Haifeng Jiang*.  J. Mater. Sci. (2023) 58:3134–3146. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-023-08216-w

30. The influence of reaction temperature on the porosity of MOF-5 studied by nitrogen adsorption and positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. Lan Yang, Dongwei Zhang, Jingjing Li, Libing Qian, Lei Liu, Zhe Liu, and Chunqing He.J.J.A.P. Conf. Proc. 9, 011201 (2023). https://doi.org/10.56646/jjapcp.9.0_011201

31. Effect of aluminum hydroxide (ATH) content on free volumes and water barrier property of silicone rubber. Di Zhang, Zheng Wang, Yue Yang, Jingjing Li, Chunqing He, Ning Qi, Xiangyang Peng, Zhen Huang, and Pengfei Fang† J.J.A.P. Conf. Proc. 9, 011203 (2023). https://doi.org/10.56646/jjapcp.9.0_011203

32. Synergy of yolk-shelled structure and tunable oxygen defect over CdS/CdCO3-CoS2: Wide band-gap semiconductors assist in efficient visible-light-driven H2 production and CO2 reduction. Siyi Zhang , Shiwen Du, Yumin Wang, Ziwu Han, Xu Li, Guojun Li , Qing Hu, Hu Xu, Chunqing He, Pengfei Fang*. Chemical Engineering Journal 454, 140113(2023).


33. Novel method and instrument for temperature-dependent tensile test of metallic materials without thermometers. Yuyang Hua, Shuo Li, Xiaofeng Wang, Chunqing He*. Review of Scientific Instruments 93(11)115144(2022). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0107213

34. ZnCo2S4/Zn0.2Cd0.8 S Z-scheme heterojunction: Efficient photocatalytic H2 evolution coupling selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol. Chunhe Li; Shunyi Shan; Kuankuan Ren; Weidong Dou; Chunqing He*; Pengfei Fang*. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47(92), 38951-38963(2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.09.100

35. Diffusion behaviors of Sn dopant in ITO films upon supercritical CO2 treatment and annealing. Zhe Liu; Yawei Zhou; Libing Qian; Zhiyuan Chen; Shiju Yang; Lei Liu; Zhihu Dong; Yong Liu; Changwei Wei; Chunqing He*. Ceramics International 48(20), 30988–30995(2022).


36. Preparation of One-Dimensional Polyaniline Nanotubes as Anticorrosion Coatings. Guangyuan Yang; Fuwei Liu; Ning Hou; Sanwen Peng; Chunqing He; Pengfei Fang*. Materials 15(9), 3192(2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15093192

37. Gas permeation and microstructure of reduced graphene oxide/polyethyleneimine multilayer films created via recast and layer-by-layer deposition processes.  Chongshan Yin; Xuan Du; Zhi Ding; Qing Zeng; Xi Li; Chunqing He; Bangyun Xiong; Jingjing Li; Yawei Zhou. RSC Adv.12, 6561-6572(2022). https://doi.org/10.1039/d1ra09205g

38. Effect of Deposition Conditions on Microstructure and Photoelectric Properties of AZO Films by Magnetron Sputtering at Room Temperature (沉积条件对室温下磁控溅射AZO薄膜微结构与光电性能的影响). M. Mo, Z. Liu, Z. Ma, Z. Dong, Y. Liu, C. Wei, C. He*. Semiconductor Optoelectronics  43(3), 561(2022).  https://doi.org/10.16818/j.issn1001-5868.2021122202

39. Effect of SnO2 Buffer Layer on Microstructure and Phase Transformation Properties of VO2 Thin Films (SnO2缓冲层对VO2薄膜微观结构与相变性能的影响). Z. Ma, Z. Liu, M. Mo, J. Guo, Y. Liu, C. Wei, C. He*. Semiconductor Optoelectronics 43(1), 132–136(2022). https://doi.org/10.16818/j.issn1001-5868.2021112401

40. High-performance fuel cells using Nafion composite membranes with alignment of sulfonated graphene oxides induced by a strong magnetic field. Lei Liu, Xu Li, Zhe Liu, Shengjie Zhang, Libing Qian, Zhiyuan Chen, Jingjing Li, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. Journal of Membrane Science 653,120516 (2022).


41. High Piezocatalytic Capability in CuS/MoS2 Nanocomposites Using Mechanical Energy for Degrading Pollutants. H. Li, Y. Xiong, Y. Wang, W. Ma, J. Fang, X. Li, Q. Han, Y. Liu, C. He, P. Fang*. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 609, 657-666 (2022),  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2021.11.070

42. Evolution of defects and charge carrier transport mechanism in fluorine-doped tin oxide thin films upon thermal treatment.Yawei Zhou*, Zhe Liu, Chunqing He*, and Chongshan Yin. Journal of Applied Physics 130, 135702 (2021).


43. Low metal-insulator transition temperature of Ni-doped vanadium oxide films. Zhenyu Gao, Zhe Liu, Yunjie Ping, Ziteng Ma, Xu Li, Changwei Wei, Chunqing He,Yong Liu. Ceramics International 4728790-28796 (2021) . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.07.039

44. Enhancement in photoelectric properties of ITO films by regulating defects and dopants with supercritical fluid treatment. Zhe Liu, Yawei Zhou, Yunjie Ping, Libing Qian, Jingjing Li, Lei Liu, Yong Liu, Kenji Ito, Changwei Wei, Chunqing He*. Applied Surface Science 565, 2021150551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150551

45. New Aspects of Degradation in Silicone Rubber under UVA and UVB Irradiation: A Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Study. Zheng Wang, Libing Qian, Xiangyang Peng*, Zhen Huang, Yue Yang, Chunqing He*and Pengfei Fang*. Polymers 2021, 13, 2215. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13132215

46. Open Porosity and Pore Size Distribution of Mesoporous Silica Films Investigated by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy and Ellipsometric Porosimetry. Bangyun Xiong *, Jingjing Li , Chunqing He*, Jiale Lai, Xiangjia Liu and Tao Huang. Materials 2021, 14, 3371. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14123371

47. Prominently enhanced corrosive gas NO2 resistibility for silicone rubber composite coatings by incorporation of functional g-C3N4 nanosheets. Jinshuai Zhang, Shiwen Du, Zheng Wang, Libing Qian, Chunqing He, Zhen Huang, Xiangyang Peng, Hu Xu, Pengfei Fang*. Progress in Organic Coatings 157 (2021) 106292.


48. N-self-doped graphitic carbon aerogels derived from metal-organic frameworks as supercapacitor electrode materials with high-performance. Yunjie Ping, Shiju Yang, Jinzhao Han, Xu Li, Haoliang Zhang, Bangyun Xiong, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He *.  Electrochimica Acta 380 (2021) 138237.


49. Effect of the orientation of sulfonated graphene oxide (SG) on the gas-barrier properties and proton conductivity of a SG/Nafion composite membrane. Chongshan Yin*, Chunqing He* , Qicheng Liu , Bangyun Xiong , Jingjing Li , Yawei Zhou. Journal of Membrane Science 625, 119146 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2021.119146

50. Influence of Argon-Oxygen Ratio and Annealing Temperature on the Structures and Electric Properties of VO2 Thin Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering. GAO Zhenyu,LIU Zhe,MA Ziteng,GUO Jiacheng,LIU Yong,WEI Changwei,HE Chunqing. Semiconductor optoelectronics 2021, 42(3): 353-357, 363. 氩氧比与退火温度对磁控溅射VO2薄膜结构与电学性能的影响. 高振雨,刘哲,马紫腾,郭佳成,刘雍,魏长伟,何春清. 半导体光电  2021, 42(3): 353-357, 363


51. Electrochemical performance of Bi2O3 supercapacitors improved by surface vacancy defects. Shiju Yang, Libing Qian, Yunjie Ping, Haoliang Zhang, Jingjing Li, Bangyun Xiong, Pengfei Fang,Chunqing He*. Ceramics International.47,  8290–8299(2021) . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2020.11.190

52. Magnetic aligned sulfonated carbon nanotube/Nafion composite membranes with anisotropic mechanical and proton conductive properties.Libing Qian,Chongshan Yin,Lei Liu, Xiaowei Zhang,Jingjing Li,Zhe Liu, Haining Zhang,Pengfei Fang, and Chunqing He*.J.Mater. Sci.: Composites and nanocomposites 56, 6764–6779 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-020-05678-0

53. Utilization of positron annihilation and electrochemical impedance to study the microstructure variations and water diffusion of NO2-oxidative-damaged silicone rubber. Jinshuai Zhang, Zheng Wang, Yi Luo, Libing Qian, Chunqing He, Ning Qi, Pengfei Fang*, Zhen Huang, Xiangyang Peng. J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electr.  32, 894–907(2021).  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-020-04867-6

54. Water diffusivity transition in fumed silica-filled polydimethylsiloxane composite: Correlation with the interfacial free volumes characterized by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. Zheng Wang, Yue Yang, Xiangyang Peng*, Zhen Huang, Libing Qian, Chunqing He* and Pengfei Fang*. J. Mater Sci 56, 30953110 (2021) . https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-020-05465-x

55. Interaction of Single-Atom PlatinumOxygen Vacancy Defects for the Boosted Photosplitting Water H2 Evolution and CO2 Photoreduction: Experimental and Theoretical Study. Shengnan Cai, Liming Wang, Shiliang Heng, Haiyan Li*, Yan Bai*, Dongbin Dang*, Qinggao Wang, Pingyu Zhang, and Chunqing He. J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 45, 2456624579(2020). https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c04931

56. Effect of pore morphology and surface roughness on wettability of porous titania films. Bangyun Xiong, Jingjing Li, Chunqing He, Xiuqin Tang, Zizhao Lv, Xiaofeng Li, Xiqiang Yan. Materials Research Express 7,  115013 (2020).   https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/abc770

57. Boosting visible-light-driven catalytic hydrogen evolution via surface Ti 3+ and bulk oxygen vacancies in urchin-like hollow black TiO2 decorated with RuO2 and Pt dual cocatalysts. Bowen Li, Qiuye Li*, Bhavana Gupta, Chunqing He   and  Jianjun Yang *.Catalysis Science & Technology 10, 7914-7921 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CY01706J

58. A reclaimed piezoelectric catalyst of MoS 2 @TNr composites as high-performance anode materials for supercapacitors. Xiaona Zhao,   Yuanchao Lei,   Gang Liu,   Libing Qian,   Xiaowei Zhang,   Yunjie Ping, Hongjing Li,   Qing Han,   Pengfei Fang *  and  Chunqing He. RSC Advances 10(63), 38715-38726 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1039/D0RA06532C

59. High specific power/energy, ultralong life supercapacitors enabled by crosscutting bamboo-derived porous carbons.Jinzhao Han, Yunjie Ping, Shiju Yang, Yuanming Zhang, Libing Qian, Jingjing Li, Lei Liu, Bangyun Xiong, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. Diamond & Related Materials 109,108044 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2020.108044

60. Understanding How Intrinsic Micro-pores Affect the Dielectric Properties of Polymers: An Approach to Ultra-low Dielectric Polymers with Bulky Tetrahedral Units as Cores. Linxuan Fang,   Junfeng Zhou,   Chunqing He,    Yangqing Tao,   Caiyun Wang,  Menglu Dai,  Haoyang Wang,*  Jing Sun *  and  Qiang Fang*. Polymer Chemistry, 11, 2674-2680 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1039/D0PY00173B

61. Subsurface Defect Engineering in Single-Unit-Cell Bi2WO6 Monolayers Boosts Solar-Driven Photocatalytic Performance. Haowei Huang, Chen Zhou, Xingchen Jiao, Haifeng Yuan, Jiwu Zhao, Chunqing He, Johan Hofkens, Maarten B. J. Roeffaers, Jinlin Long, Julian Steele*. ACS Catalysis 10(2), 1439-1443(2020).  https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.9b04789

62. Comparative Studies of Methyl Orange Adsorption in Various Metal-Organic Frameworks by Nitrogen Adsorption and Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy. Xiaowei Zhang, Libing Qian, Shiju Yang, Yutian Peng, Bangyun Xiong, Jingjing Li, Pengfei Fang and Chunqing He. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 296, 109993 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micromeso.2019.109993

63. Flower-like Bi2O3 with enhanced rate capability and cycling stability for supercapacitors. Shiju Yang, Yunjie Ping, Libing Qian, Jinzhao Han, Jingjing Li,Bangyun Xiong, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. J. Mater. Sci.: Mater.Electr.  31, 2221–2230(2020). . https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-019-02753-4

64. Piezotronic effect of Single/Few-layers MoS2 Nanosheets Composite with TiO2 Nanorod Heterojunction. Xiaona Zhao; Yuanchao Lei; hongjing Li; Qing Han; Pengfei Fang*; Weiguo Hu; Chunqing He. Nano Energy 66,104168(2019) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.104168

65. Free Volume, Gas Permeation, and Proton Conductivity in MIL-101-SO3H/Nafion Composite Membranes. Chongshan Yin,_ Chunqing He,_ Qicheng Liu,,Bangyun Xiong, Xiaowei Zhang, Libing Qian, Jingjing Li and Yawei Zhou.  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21,25982 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1039/C9CP04832D

66. N, S co-doped porous carbons from natural Juncus effuses for high performance supercapacitors. Yunjie Ping, Jinzhao Han, Jingjing Li, Bangyun Xiong, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. Diamond and Related Materials 100, 107577 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2019.107577

67. Lateral-Aligned Sulfonated Carbon-Nanotubes/Nafion Composite Membranes with High Proton Conductivity and Improved Mechanical PropertiesChongshan Yin, Bangyun Xiong, Qicheng Liu, Jingjing Li, Libing Qian, Yawei Zhou, Chunqing He. J. Membr. Sci 591, 117356 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2019.117356

68. Xiaowei Zhang, Bangyun Xiong, Jingjing Li, Libing Qian, Lei Liu, Zhe Liu, Pengfei Fang and Chunqing He*. Dependence of dye molecules adsorption behaviors on pore characteristics of mesostructured MOFs fabricated by surfactant template. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11/34, 31441-31451(2019). https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b06517

69. Yunjie Ping, Zhe Liu, Jingjing Li, Jinzhao Han, Yanpeng Yang, Bangyun Xiong, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. Boosting the performance of supercapacitors based hierarchically porous carbon from natural Juncus effuses by incorporation of MnO2. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 805, 822-830(2019).  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.07.125

70. Chunhe Li, Shiwen Du, Hongmei Wang, Sara Bonabi Naghadeh, A'Lester Allen, Xiao Lin, Guojun Li, Yong Liu, Hu Xu, Chunqing He, Jin Zhong Zhang, Pengfei Fang. Enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic hydrogen generation using NiCo2S4/CdS nanocomposites. Chemical Engineering Journal 378, 122089(2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2019.122089

71. Jinzhao Han, Yunjie Ping, Jingjing Li, Zhe Liu, Bangyun Xiong, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. One-step nitrogen, boron codoping of porous carbons derived from pomelo peels for supercapacitor electrode materials. Diamond and Related Materials 96176181(2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2019.05.014

72. Jieyu Liu,  Zhe Chen*,  Lei Yao,  Jingjing Li,  Jinshuai Zhang,  Qiuming Fu,  Chunqing He  and  Pengfei Fang.  Correlation between the ion permeation and free volume property in ethyl cellulose film during the acid treatment. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, May 2019. https://doi.org/10.1039/C9QM00244H

73. Zheng Wang, Jingjing Li, Yuming Zhou, Ni Zhang, Chunqing He*, Xiangyang Peng, Zhen Huang, Xingzhong Cao, Baoyi Wang, Pengfei Fang*. Investigation of the surface microstructure evolution of silicone rubber during corona discharge via slow positron beam and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Plasma Process Polym.16/8, 1900057(2019). https://doi.org/10.1002/ppap.201900057

74. Lili Hou, Zhongjie Guan, Taifeng Liu, Chunqing He, Qiuye Li, JianjunYang. Synergistic effect of {101} crystal facet and bulk/surface oxygen vacancy ratio on the photocatalytic hydrogen production of TiO2. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 44, 8109-8120 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.02.075

75. Characterization of radiation defects in quasi-homogeneously damaged tungsten by PALS and TEM. Feng LiuChonghong ZhangChunqing HeHai-Shan Zhou Fang Ding Guang-Nan Luo. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 439, 17-21 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2018.11.009

76. Effect of Curing Agents on the Photodegradation of Epoxy Coatings investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Peng, Xiangyang, Peng; Fuwei Liu, Chunqing He, Pengfei Fang . Inter. J. electrochem.Sci. 13(9), 8944-8952 (2018) . DOI:10.20964/2018.09.42

77. Effect of the Corona Treatment on the Microstructure of PVDF Probed by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Qizhao Luo, Qing Huang, Zhe Chen, Lei Yao, Ping Fu, Zhidong Lin, Jingjing Li, Chunqing He, Pengfei Fang. Mater. Res. Express 6, 015044 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/aae87e

78. Free volume characteristics on water permeation and salt rejection of polyamide thin film composite (PA-TFC) reverse osmosis (RO) membranes investigated by PALS based on a pulsed slow positron beam. Jingjing Li, Bangyun Xiong, Chongshan Yin, Xiaowei Zhang, Yawei Zhou, Zheng Wang, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. Journal of Materials Science 53, 16132-161452018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-018-2740-3

79. Aging induced enhancement of pore interconnectivity of porous silica investigated by nitrogen adsorption and cyclic voltammetry. Xiaoyu He, Bangyun Xiong, Lei Liu, Xiaonan Wang, Chunqing He*. J. J. Appl. Phys.: Conf. Proc. 7011203 (2018). https://doi.org/10.7567/JJAPCP.7.011203

80. Effect of Alkali Treatment on the Manila Hemp Fiber Structure and Paper Diaphragm Electro-acoustic Performance碱处理对马尼拉麻纤维结构及纸质振膜电声性能的影响彭奎,方鹏飞,何春清,肖辉,覃煜焱,胡蓓功能材 2018, Vol. 49(08): In Press.

81. Electrochemical impedance study of water transportation in corona aged silicone rubber: effect of applied voltage. Zheng Wang, Chongshan Yin, Jingjing Li, Yue Yang, Yi Luo, Yong Liu, Chunqing He, Pengfei Fang. Journal of Materials Science 53(18), 12871–12884 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-018-2523-x.

82. Study on surface structure of plasma treated polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomer by slow positron beam. Zheng Wang, Yi Luo, Feng Zheng, Ni Zhang, Chongshan Yin, Jingjing Li, Chunqing He, Xiangyang Peng, Zhen Huang Pengfei Fang. Surface and Interface Analysis 50, 819–826(2018).  Doi: 10.1002/sia.6484.

83. Adjusting the ratio of bulk single-electron-trapped oxygen vacancy/surface oxygen vacancy in TiO2 for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Lili Hou, Zhongjie Guan, Min Zhang, Chunqing He, Qiuye Li and Jianjun Yang. Catalysis Science & Technology 8, 2809-2817 (2018). Doi: 10.1039/C8CY00644J

84. a-MoO3-x by Plasma Etching with Improved Capacity and Stabilized Structure for Lithium Storage. Guobin Zhang, Tengfei Xiong, Mengyu Yan, Liang He, Xiaobin Liao, Chunqing He, Chongshan Yin, Haining Zhang, Liqiang Mai. Nano Energy 49, 555-563 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2018.04.075

85. Thermal annealing on free volumes, crystallinity and proton conductivity of Nafion membranes. Chongshan Yin, Zheng Wang, Yi Luo, Jingjing Li, Yawei Zhou, Haining Zhang, Pengfei Fang and Chunqing He *. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 120, 71-78 (2018). Doi: 0.1016/j.jpcs.2018.04.028

86. Enhancement in Proton Conductivity and Thermal Stability in Nafion Membranes Induced by Incorporation of Sulfonated Carbon Nanotubes. Chongshan Yin, Jingjing Li, Yawei Zhou, Haining Zhang, Pengfei Fang and Chunqing He *. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 14026-14035 (2018). Doi:10.1021/acsami.8b01513

87. Phase Separation and Development of Proton Transport Pathways in Metal Oxide Nanoparticles/Nafion Composite Membranes During Water Uptake. Chongshan Yin, Jingjing Li, Yawei Zhou, Haining Zhang, Pengfei Fang and Chunqing He *. J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 9710-9717 (2018). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b02535

88. Bicheng Zhu, Yawei Zhou, Wenwu Xu, Jingjing Li, Chunqing He*. Influence of annealing temperature on the structure and photoluminescence properties of Ga-doped SnO2 thin films. Semiconductor optoelectronics 39(1), 61-64 (2018). 毕成, 亚伟,徐文武,李静静,何春清.  退火温度Ga掺杂SnO2薄膜结构和光致发光特性的影响[J]. 导体光电39(1), 61-64 (2018). Doi: 10.16818/j.issn1001-5868.2018.01.013

89. Mesoporous titania films investigated by positron annihilation based on a slow positron beam. Bangyun Xiong, Xiuqin Tang, Hui Cao, Jingpei Huo, Jie Luo, Haiying He and Chunqing He*. Chin. J. Phys. 56355-361 (2018)

90. Positronium time-of-flight Measurements of Mesoporous Silica Films. Peng Kuang, XiaoWei Zhang, ChunQing He, XingZhong Cao, BaoYi Wang. Acta Physica Polonica A.133/1, 3-6 (2018). DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.133.3

91. Vacancy defects and optoelectrical properties for fluorine tin oxide thin films with various SnF2 contents. Yawei Zhou, Wenwu Xu, Jingjing Li, Chongshan Yin, Bin Zhao, Zhiquan Chen, Yong liu, Chunqing He*, Wenfeng Mao and Kenji Ito. Journal of Applied Physics 123/2, 025706(1-8) (2018).

92. GaN codoping and annealing on the optoelectronic properties of SnO2 thin films. Yawei Zhou, Wenwu Xu, Chongshan Yin, JIngjing Li, Bicheng Zhu, Yong Liu and Chunqing He *. J. Alloys and Comp. 732, 555-560 (2018).

93. Preparation of p-type GaN-doped SnO2 thin films by e-beam evaporation and their applications in p-n junction. Shuliang Lv, Yawei Zhou, Wenwu Xu, Wenfeng Mao, Lingtao Wang, Yong Liu and Chunqing He *. Appl. Surf. Sci. 427, 64-68(2018)

94. Effect of aluminum hydroxide on lowmolecularweight siloxane distribution and microstructure of hightemperature vulcanized silicone rubber. Zheng Wang, Chongshan Yin, Yi Luo, Long Chen, Yuming Zhou, Chunqing He, Pengfei Fang, Xiangyang Peng, Zhen Huang. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 135/6, 45803(1-10) (2018) DOI: 10.1002/app.45803

95. Influence of annealing temperature on the properties of SnF2 doped SnO2 thin films. Wenwu Xu, Yawei Zhou, Xiaowei Zhang, Bicheng Bi, Chunqing He*.Semiconductor optoelectronics 38(6), 822 (2017) (in Chinese).

96. Positron Annihilation Studies of the Free Volumes in Nylon12/PVA Films Treated by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Jingjing Li, Chongshan Yin, Yawei Zhou, Gang Li, Jen-taut Yeh, Chunqing He*. Acta Physica Polonica A.132/5, 1552-1555 (2017).

97. Photo-oxidative Aging Behaviors of Acrylic Coatings during UV Irradiation Investigated by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy. Xipo Zhao, Xiaolin Cai, Chang Liu, Ting Chen, Chunqing He, Pengfei Fang, Shaoxian Peng. Acta Physica Polonica A.132/5, 497-500 (2017).

98. Effect of Ultraviolet Absorber on Photo-Degradation of Epoxy Coating Studied by Slow Positron Beam. Zheng Wang,Fuwei Liu,Jingjing Li, Chunqing He, Zhen Huang, Shaoxian Peng,Pengfei Fang. Acta Physica Polonica A.132/5, 1523-1526 (2017).

99. Positron annihilation characteristics, water uptake and proton conductivity of composite Nafion membranes Chongshan Yin, Lingtao Wang, Jingjing Li, Yawei Zhou, Haining Zhang, Pengfei Fang and Chunqing He *. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 15953 - 15961 (2017) .

100. Synergistic effect of surface and bulk single-electron-trapped oxygen vacancy of TiO2 in the photocatalytic reduction of CO2. Li, J., Zhang, M., Guan, Z., Li, Q., He, C.,Yang, J *. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 206(5), 300-307 (2017).

101. Positron Annihilation Study of Ternary Sb2Te3−x Se x for Its Tuning Electrical and Thermal Properties. Wenwen Zheng, Dongwang Yang, Peng Bi, Chunqing He, Fengming Liu, Jin Shi, Yi Ding, Ziyu Wang, Rui Xiong *. J. Electr. Mater. 46 (5), 2936–2943 (2017).

102. 正电子湮没技术研究双酚-A聚碳酸酯薄膜的结晶行为杨春红; 李启超; 毛文峰; 何春清*武汉大学学报(理学版) Vol. 63, 06, pp 501-505, 2017/11.

103. Yijie Luo, Kaikai Jin, Chunqing He, Jiajia Wang, Jing Sun*, Fengkai He, Junfeng Zhou, Yuanqiang Wang,  Qiang Fang*. An Intrinsically Microporous Network Polymer with Good Dielectric Properties at High Frequency. Macromolecules 49 (19), (2016) pp 7314–7321.

104. Mingchen Jia, Yongjun Li, Chunqing He, and Xiaoyu Huang. Soluble Perfluorocyclobutyl Aryl Ether-Based Polyimide for High-Performance Dielectric Material. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 (39) , (2016) pp 26352–26358.

105. Yawei Zhou, Jingjing Li, Chongshan Yin, Wenfeng Mao, Juncheng Wang, and Chunqing He*. Momentum distribution of positronium and its interactions with oxygen molecules studied by coincidence Doppler broadening spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. A 94, 022513 (2016).

106. Xiaonan Wang, Xiaoyu He, Wenfeng Mao, Yawei Zhou, Shuliang Lv, Chunqing He*.Microstructure evolution of amorphous silicon thin films upon annealing studied by positron annihilation. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 56 (2016) 344–348.

107. Acetone-vapor Induced Crystallization Behavior of Bisphenol-A Polycarbonate Thin Film. Chunhong Yang, Qichao Li, Wenfeng Mao, Chunqing He*. J. Wuhan Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed.) 62(3), (2016) 283-287.

108. Qichao Li, Wenfeng Mao, Yawei Zhou, Chunhong Yang, Yong Liu, Chunqing He*. Defects evolution and their impacts on conductivity of indium tin oxide thin films upon thermal treatment. Journal of Applied Physics 118, 025304 (2015).

109. Wenfeng Mao, Bangyun Xiong, Qichao Li, Yawei zhou, Chongshan Yin, Yong Liu, Chunqing He*. Influence of defects and Sb valence states on the temperature dependent conductivity of Sb doped SnO2 thin films. Physics Letter A 379 (2015) 1946-1950.

110. Chunhong Yang, Qichao Li, Wenfeng Mao, Peng Wang, Chunqing He*. On crystallization of bisphenol-A polycarbonate thin films upon annealing. Physics Letter A 379 (2015) 2515-2519.

111. Yawei Zhou, Wenfeng Mao, Qichao Li, Juncheng Wang, Chunqing He*. Formation and annihilation of positronium in silica aerogels under atmosphere of oxygen and nitrogen mixture. Chemical Physics 459 (2015) 81-86.

112. Development of pore interconnectivity/morphology in porous silica films investigated by cyclic voltammetry and slow positron annihilation spectroscopy. Xiuqin Tang, Bangyun Xiong, Qichao Li, Wenfeng Mao, Wei Xiao, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. Electrochimica Acta 168 (2015) 365-369.

113. Defect production and deuterium retention in quasi-homogeneously damaged tungsten. Feng Liu, Yuping Xu, Haishan Zhou, Xiao-Chun Li, Yin Song, Chonghong Zhang, Qichao Li, Chunqing He, Guang-Nan Luo. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 351, (2015) 23-26.

114. Effects of Zinc Powder Shape in Inorganic Zincich Paint on Heavy Anticorrosive Properties of the Coatings. CHEN JiLUO MinCHEN Yu -haoLIN Hong -shengHE Chun-qingFANG Peng –fei. Journal of Materials protection 48(09)(2015) 36-38 (in Chinese).

115. Ageing Resistance of Phenol Aldehyde Epoxy/Epoxy Resin Composite Coatings with Various Contents of UV Absorber. CHEN Yu -haoLIU Fu -weiCHEN JiLIN Hong -shengHE Chun-qingFANG Peng-fei. Journal of Materials protection 48(09)(2015) 41-44 ( in Chinese).

116. Microstructure and Surface State of Plasma-treated High-density Polyethylene Elucidated by Energy-tunable Positron Annihilation and Water Contact Angle Measurements. Zhe Chen, Zhi Wang, Qiuming Fu, Zhibin Ma, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He. J. J. Appl. Phys.: Conf. Proc. 2 (2014) 011202 (5 pages).

117. Positron Annihilation Study of Silica Films Templated by a Cationic Surfactant. Bangyun Xiong. Wenfeng Mao, Xiuqin Tang, Kenji Ito, Chunqing He. J. J. Appl. Phys.: Conf. Proc. 2 (2014) 011204 (7 pages).

118. Investigation on Defects of Sb Doped SnO2 Thin Films by Positron Annihilation. Wenfeng Mao, Bangyun Xiong, Qichao Li, Yawei Zhou, Kenji Ito, Chunqing He*. J. J. Appl. Phys.: Conf. Proc. 2 (2014) 011206 (6 pages).

119. The Effect of Curing Agent Content on Photodegradation of Epoxy Coating Studied by Positron Annihilation. Fuwei Liu, Mingxi Yin, Bangyun Xiong, Feng Zheng, Wenfeng Mao, Zhe Chen, Xipo Zhao, Pengfei Fang*, Chunqing He.  J. J. Appl. Phys.: Conf. Proc. 2 (2014) 011207 (6 pages).

120. The Surface Structure and Hydrophobic Recovery of Poly-dimethylsioxane Insulator after Ar Plasma Treatment. Feng Zheng, Chunqing He, Pengfei Fang*, Zhe Chen, Shaojie Wang*, Jianguo Wang, Xiangyang Peng, Zhihai Xu. J. J. Appl. Phys.: Conf. Proc.  2 (2014) 011208 (6 pages).

121. Subnanoporosity Development in Hydrocarbon-siliconoxide Hybrid PECVD Films Elucidated by Variable-energy Positron Annihilation. Kenji Ito*, Toshitaka Oka, Chunqing He, Yoshinori Kobayashi.  J. J. Appl. Phys.: Conf. Proc.  2 (2014) 011210 (7 pages).

122. Evolution of microstructure of epoxy coating during UV degradation progress studied by slow positron annihilation spectroscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Fuwei Liu Mingxi Yin Bangyun Xiong Feng Zheng, Wenfeng Mao Zhe Chen, Chunqing He, Xipo Zhao, Pengfei Fang. Electrochimica Acta 133, 283–293 (2014).

123. Studies on Microstructure Transformation of Nafion Film surfaces. ZHANG Lichun, HE Chunqing*. J. Wuhan Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed.)Vol. 60 No.3259-2632014.

124. Positron annihilation characteristics in mesostructural silica films with various porosities. Bangyun Xiong, Wenfeng Mao, Xiuqin Tang, Chunqing He*. JAppl. Phys. 115/9 (2014) 094303.

125. Crystallization behaviors of polycarbonate films. WANG Peng, YANG Chunhong, LI Qichao, XIONG Bangyun, HE Chunqing*. J. Wuhan Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed.)Vol.60 No.02pp 111-114 (2014).

126. Mesoporosity in silica films studied by a slow positron beam and ellipsometry. Bangyun Xiong, Wenfeng Mao, Jing Yue, Xusheng Xu, Chunqing He, Phys. Lett. A. 378 (2014) 249253.Doi: 10.1016/j.physleta.2013.11.023)

127. On determining the entrance size of cage-like pores in mesoporous silica films by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. Chunqing He*, Bangyun Xiong, Wenfeng MaoYoshinori Kobayashi, Toshitaka Oka, Nagayasu Oshima and Ryoichi Suzuki. Chem. Phys. Lett.590, 97-1002013

128. The surface structure of UV exposed poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) insulator studied by slow positron beam. F. Zheng, C.Q. He, P.F. Fang, J.G. Wang, B.Y. Xiong, K. Wang, F.W. Liu, X.Y. Peng, X.G. Xu, Z.H. Xu, S.J. Wang. Applied Surface Science 283, 327-331(2013).

129. Correlation between Defects and Conductivity of Sb-doped Tin Oxide Thin Films. Wenfeng Mao, Bangyun Xiong, Yong Liu, Chunqing He*. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 031915 (2013); (3.78)

130. Tuning porosity of silica films by using various surfactants and changing their loading: A study of positron annihilation Doppler broadening based on a slow positron beam. Bangyun Xiong, Wenfeng Mao, Chunqing He*. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 443, 0120662013

131. Evolution of mesostructures in titania upon template loading and calcination. Bangyun Xiong, Wenfeng Mao, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He*. Journal of Crystal Growth 380, 282013.

132. Argon Plasma Decomposition of Porogen in Mesoporous Silica Films Studied by Positron Annihilation. Chunqing He, Kenji Ito, Toshitaka OkaYoshinori Kobayashi, Toshiyuki OhdairaRyoichi Suzuki.  Mater. Sci. Forum 733,193-196 (2013).

133. Design and Simulation on a Trap-based Pulsed Slow Positron Beam. Chunqing He, Juncheng Wang, Jun Zhu, Shaojie Wang. Mater. Sci. Forum, 733,314-317 (2013).

134. Study on antireflection SiO2 coatings fabricated by layer-by-layer deposition. Cong Wang, Qingwei Hu, Pengfei Fang, Chunqing He. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences 18(3), 213-218 (2013).

135. Positronium Annihilation in Oxygen and Nitrogen Mixture. WANG Juncheng, HE Chunqing*, WANG Shaojie. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences Vol. 182),142-1462013.

136. Role of pore morphology in positronium diffusion in mesoporous silica thin films and in positronium emission from the surfaces. C. He, SJ Wang, Y. Kobayashi, T.Ohdaira, R. Suzuki. Phys. Rev. B 86, 075415 (2012).

137. Feasibility Study of Using Cherenkov Light Crystals for Time-of-Flight PET Systems. Yicheng Liang, Nasit Vurgun, Evan Downie, Chunqing He, Hao Peng, 2012 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, M16-73.

138. Temperature Dependence of Defects in Hydrogen-Implanted Silicon Characterized by Positron and Ion-Beam Analyses. A. Kinomura, R. Suzuki, T. Ohdaira, M. Muramatsu, C. He, N. Oshima, T. Matsumoto, Y. Horino. Physics Procedia Vol.35, (2012) 151-156.

139. Preparation and Characterization of mesoporous thin films of Titanium Dioxide. Xiong Bangyun, Mao Liangliang, He Chunqing. J. Wuhan Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed.)Vol. 58 No. 31891922012.

140. High-Rate Crystallization of Polycarbonate in Spincast Thin Film S. Ata, T. Oka, C. He, et al., J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys. 48, 2148(2010).

141. Assembly Design and Performance Analysis of High Time-Resolved Scintillator Detectors. QIN Wei, LI Hui, DAI Yiqun, PANG Jinbiao, WANG Zhu, HE Chunqing. J. Wuhan Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed.)Vol. 56 No. 4 4134172010

142. Structural, defect and optical properties of ZnO films grown under various O2/Ar gas ratios. Y. Hu, Y.Q. Chen, Y.C.Wu, G.J. Fang, C.Q. He and S.J. Wang. Appl. Surf. Sci.255, 9279-9284(2009).

143. Positron annihilation study of continuous cast AA2037Al alloy after annealing at high temperatures. Jun ChenYichu WuChunqing HeTongguang Zhai. J . Wuhan Univ. (Nat . Sci. Ed. )Vol. 55 No. 6, 661-664(2009).

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146. Chunqing He, Toshitaka Oka, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Nagayasu Oshima, Toshiyuki Ohdaira, Atsushi Kinomura, and Ryoichi Suzuki. Evolution of pores in mesoporous silica films: porogen loading effect. Appl. Surf. Sci. 255183(2008).

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149. A. Kinomura, R. Suzuki, T. Ohdaira, M. Muramatsu, C. He, N. Oshima, M. Matsumoto, T. Tanoue and Y. Horino. Tenperature-denpendent growth and transient state of hydrogen-induced nanocavities in silicon. J. Appl. Phys. 104, 034301 (2008).

150. N. Oshima, R. Kuroda, C. He, A. Kinomura, T. Ohdaira, H. Toyokawa, R. Suzuki, N. Hayashizaki, T. Hattori. Design of a liquidless superconducting accelerator for positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. Phys.Stat.Sol (c) 4, 4023 (2007).

151. Chunqing He, , Toshitaka Oka, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Nagayasu Oshima, Toshiyuki Ohdaira, Atsushi Kinomura and Ryoichi Suzuki. Positron annihilation and pore surface chemsitry in mesoporous silica films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 024102(2007). (IF: 3.977)

152. Chunqing He, Toshiyuki Ohdaira, Nagayasu Oshima, Makoto Muramatsu, Atsushi Kinomura, Ryoichi Suzuki, Toshitaka Oka and Yoshinori Kobayashi. Evidence for pore surface dependent positronium thermalization in mesoporous silica/hybrid silica films. Phys. Rev. B 75, 195404(2007).(IF: 3.107)

153. Chunqing He, Ryoichi Suzuki, Toshiyuki Ohdaira, Nagayasu Oshima, Atsushi Kinomura, Makoto Muramatsu, Yoshinori Kobayashi. Study of mesoporous silica films by positron annihilation based on a slow positron beam: effects of preparation conditions on pore size and open porosity. Chem. Phys.33/2-3, 213(2007).(IF: 1.984)

154. Chunqing He, Makoto Muramatsu, Toshiyuki Ohdaira, Atsushi Kinomura, Ryoichi Suzuki, Yoshinori Kobayashi. Tunable pores in mesoporous silica films studied using a pulsed slow positron beam, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 76/2, 204 (2007). (IF:0.868)

155. Toshitaka Oka, Kenji Ito, Chunqing He, Toshiyuki Ohdaira, Ryoichi Suzuki, and Yoshinori Kobayashi. Porogen Approach for the Fabrication of Carbon-Containing Nanoporous Silicon Oxide Films. Meet. Abstr. - Electrochem. Soc. 602, 1345 (2006).(MA2006-02, October 29-November 3, 2006, Cancun, Mexico, E11 - Science and Technology of Dielectrics for Active and Passive Devices, Organizer(s): P. Mascher, D. Misra, K. Worhoff)

156. Chunqing He, Makoto Muramastu, Nagayasu Oshima, Toshiyuki Ohdaira, Atsushi Kinomura, Ryoichi Suzuki. Ageing induced enhancement of open porosity of mesoporous silica films studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy. Phys. Lett. A 355/1, 73-76 (2006). (IF: 1.468)

157. Chunqing He, Makoto Muramatsu, Toshiyuki Ohdaira, Atsushi Kinomura, Ryoichi Suzuki, Kenji Ito. Yoshinori Kobayashi. Positron annihilation studies of mesoporous silica films using a slow positron beam", Appl. Surf. Sci. 252 (9), 3221 (2006).  (IF: 1.436)

158. S.V.Stepanov, V. M. Bayakov, C. He, T. HiradeK.V. Mikhin. Modern problem of positron spectroscopy of molecular media: Role of trapped and solvated electrons in Ps formation. Acta Phys. Polonica A 107, 642 (2005).  (IF: 0.371)

159. Chunqing He, V. P. Shantarovich, Sergey V.Stepanov, Takenori Suzuki, R. Suzuki. Mechanism of enhanced positronium formation in low temperature polymers, Journal of Chemical Physics 122, 214907(2005). (IF: 3.166)

160. V.P. Shantarovich, T.Suzuki, C. He, Y. Ito, Y.P. Yampolskii and A.Yu. Alentiev. Positron annihilation in PI189 and PI304 polyimides, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 73, 45(2005). (IF: 0.868)

161. Ryoichi Suzuki, Toshiyuki Ohdaira, Atsushi Kinomura, Makoto Muramatsu, Chunqing He. Generation of pulsed slow positron beam and its application for materials characterization, Proceedings of 1st symposium (2005.3.8) of Institute of Instrumentation Frontier, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), p.36-37 (2005). (in Japanese).

162. Lin Ma, Mama Azuma, Chunqing He, Takenori Suzuki, Yuezhen Bin, and Masaru Matsuo. Characteristics of Ultradrawn Blend Films of Ethylene-Methyl Methacrylate Copolymer and Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene Prepared by Gelation/Crystallization from Solutions Estimated by X-ray, Positron Annihilation, and 13C NMR, Macromolecules 37, 7673-7682(2004). (IF: 4.277)

163. V.P. Shantarovich, T. Suzuki, C. He, I. B. Kevdina, V.A. Davankov, A.V. Pastukhov, M.P. Tsyurupa. Influence of Chemical Reactions of positronium on annihilation characteristics in polymer sorbents, High Energy Chem. 38 (4), 274 (2004). (Translated from Khimiya Vysokikh Energii 38 (4), 310(2004). (IF:0.418)

164. Chunqing He, Takenori Suzuki, V. P. Shantarovich, N. Djourelov, Kenjiro Kondo and Yasuo Ito, Positron annihilation studies on hypercrosslinked polystyrenes, Chemical Physics 303, 219-226(Jul, 2004). (IF: 1.984)

165. Seung-Yeop Kwak, Chunqing He, Takenori Suzuki, Sang-Hoon Lee, Effect of Dendritic Architecture on Localized Free Volume of Poly(ether ketone)s as Probed by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy. J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 42, 3853 (2004). (IF: 3.405)

166. Chunqing He, Qiu Xu, Toshimasa Yoshiie, Koichi Sato. Troyo D.Troev, The Effect of Hydrogen-charging in Neutron Irradiated Nickel Studied by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS), Materials Science Forum Vol. 445-446,105-107 (Feb., 2004). (IF: 0.498)

167. Kogure Y., Doyama M., Inoue M., Oshima R., Yoshiie T., Hayashi Y., Xu Q., He C. Positron images using 64Cu and 58Co - Aiming at the construction of positron microscopes. KURRI Progress Report, 2004.04, p157.

168. N.Djourelov, T.Suzuki, C.He, Y.Ito, K.Velitchkova, E.Hamada, K.Kondo, Carbon-Implanted Polyethylene characterized by a Pulsed Slow-Positron Beam, Material Science Forum Vol.445-446,280-282 (Feb. 2004). (IF: 0.498)

169. V. P. Shantarovich, T. Suzuki, C. He, N. Djourelov, I. Kevdina, V. A. Davankov, A. V. Pastukhov, Y. Ito, Positron annihilation in polymers with highly developed specific surface, Material Science Forum Vol. 445-446,346-348 (Feb. 2004). (IF:0.498)

170. Mami Azuma, Lin Ma, Chunqing He, Takenori Suzuki, Yuezhen Bin, Hiromichi Kurosu and Masaru Matsuo, Ultradrawing of blend films of ethylene-dimethyl-aminoethyl methacrylate copolymer and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene prepared by gelation/crystallization from solutions, Polymer 45 (2), 409-421(Jan., 2004). (IF:2.773)

171. N.Djourelov, C.He, T.Suzuki, Y.Ito, K.Velitchkova, E.Hamada, K.Kondo, Carbon-Implanted Ultra-High Molecular-Weight Polyethylene Studied by a Pulsed Slow-Positron Beam, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 215 (1-2), 83-89 (Jan, 2004) (IF:0.997)

172. Chunqing He, Eisaku Hamada, Takenori Suzuki, Takashi Kumaki, Hitoshi Kobayashi, Kenjiro Kondo, Yasuo. Ito, Pulsed slow positron beam for polymer films, Applied Surface Science 221 (1-4), 444-449 (Jan. 2004). (IF: 1.497)

173. Sergey V.Stepanov, Vsevolod M. Bayakov, Chunqing He, Tetsuya HiradeK.V. Mikhin, V.I. Grafutin. Modern problem of positron spectroscopy of molecular media: Role of trapped and solvated electrons in Ps formation. 7th International Moscow School of Physics, 201(2003).

174. N.Djourelov, C.He, T.Suzuki, V.P.Shantarovich, Y.Ito, K.Kondo, Y.Ito, Positron annihilation in polypropylene studied by lifetime and coincidence Doppler-broadening spectroscopy, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68(5), 689-695 (Dec. 2003) (IF:0.868)

175. N. Djourelov, C. He, T. Suzuki, Y. Ito and K. Kondo, Y. Ito, and V.P. Shantarovich. The influence of antioxidation on positron annihilation in polypropylene. Proceedings of the 17-th Workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses, KEK Proceedings 2003-8, 10-18 (2003).

176. Chunqing He, Eisaku Hamada, Nikolay Djourelov, Takenori Suzuki, Hitoshi Kobayashi, Kenjiro Kondo and Yasuo Ito, Development on a pulsed slow-positron beam: Moderator and bunching signal waveform, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 211 (4), 571-576 (Dec. 2003) (IF:0.946)

177. Lin Ma, Chunqing He, Takenori Suzuki, Mami Azuma, Yuezhen Bin, Hiromichi Kurosu , Masaru Matsuo. Molecular mobility of amorphous chain segments of ethylene-methyl methacrylate copolymer films as a function of temperature estimated by positron annihilation, X-ray diffraction, and 13C NMR, Macromolecules 36(21),8056-8065 (Oct. 2003). (IF:4.277)

178. Chunqing He, Takenori Suzuki, V. P. Shantarovich, Lin Ma, Masaru Matsuo, Kenjiro Kondo and Yasuo Ito, Positronium formation in low-density polyethylene (LDPE), Physics Letters A 3133, 223-230 (Jun. 2003) (IF:1.468)

179. V.P. Shantarovich, T.Suzuki, C. He and V. W. Gustov, Inhibition of positronium formation by polar groups in polymers-relation with TSL experiments, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 67(1), 15-23 (May 2003). (IF:0.868)

180. V. P. Shantarovich, T. Suzuki, C. He, V. A. Davankov, A. V. Pastukhov, K. Kondo, Y. Ito and M. P. Tsurupa, Positron annihilation study of hyper-crosslinked sorbents, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68(3/4), 639-641 (2003) .

181. Chunqing He, Takenori Suzuki, V. P. Shantarovich, Kenjiro Kondo and Yasuo Ito, Temperature dependence of ortho-positronium annihilation in hypercrosslinked polystyrene, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68(3/4), 511-514 (2003). (IF: 0.868)

182. Takenori Suzuki, Chunqing He, Kenjiro Kondo, Victor Shantarovich and Yasuo Ito, The influence of radiation on Ps formation in PE studied by coincidence Doppler-broadening spectroscopy, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68(3/4), 489-492 (2003). (IF: 0.868)

183. Takenori Suzuki, Chunqing He, Victor Shantarovich, Kenjiro Kondo, Eisaku Hamada, Masaru Matsuo, Lin Ma and Yasuo Ito, The influence of radiation and light on Ps formation in PMMA and PE studied by coincidence Doppler-broadening spectroscopy, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 66(2), 161-166 ( 2003). (IF: 0.868)

184. Chunqing He, Takenori Suzuki, V. P. Shantarovich, Kenjiro Kondo and Yasuo Ito, Positron annihilation in hypercrosslinked polystyrenes, Chemical Physics 286 ( 2-3), 249-256 (Jan. 2003) (IF:1.984)

185. Takenori Suzuki, Chunqing He, Victor Shantarovich, Kenjiro Kondo, Yasuo Ito, Lin Ma, Masaru Mastuo, Relaxation behavior of polymer probed by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy, Materials Research Innovations 7(1), 31(2003). (IF:0.993)

186. Chunqing He, T. Suzuki, E. Hamada, H. Kobayashi, K. Kondo, V.P. Shantarovich, Y. Ito, Characterization of polymer films using a pulsed slow positron beam, Materials Research Innovation 7(1), 37( Jan. 2003). (IF:0.993)

187. V. P. Shantarovich, T. Suzuki, C. He, A possibility to study the properties of substances using positronium as the simplest "labeled" atom, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 255 (1), 165-170 (Jan. 2003). (IF:0.509)

188. C. He, E. Hamada, T. Suzuki, H. Kobayashi, K. Kondo, V. P. Shantarovich, Y. Ito, Characterization of polymer sub-surface using slow positron beam, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 255 (3), 431-435 (2003) . (IF:0.509)

189. Chunqing He, Takenori Suzuki, Lin Ma, Masaru Matsuo, V. P. Shantarovich, Kenjiro Kondo and Yasuo Ito, Molecular motions at low temperature observed by positron annihilation, Physics Letters A 304(1-2), 49-53 (Nov. 2002). (IF:1.468)

190. V.P. Shantarovich, T. Suzuki, C. He, V.A. Davankov, A.V. Pastukhov, M.P. Tsyurupa, K. Kondo, Y. Ito, Positron annihilation study of hypercrosslinked polystyrene networks, Macromolecules 35 (26), 9723-9729 (2002) (IF:4.277)

191. C.Q. He, T. Suzuki, E. Hamada, H. Kobayashi, K. Kondo, Y. Ito, Development of a new pulsed slow positron beam using a radioisotope, KEK Proceedings 2002-12,107(2002)

192. Masaru.Matsuo, Lin Ma, Mami Azuma, Chunqing He, Takenori Suzuki, Characteristics of ultra-drawn polyethylene film as a function of temperature estimated by the positron annihilation lifetime method, Macromolecules 35(8), 3059-3065 (2002). (IF:4.277)

193. Takashi Kumaki, Haruaki Sue, He Chunqing, Takenori Suzuki, Free-volume near the polymer surfaces studied by positron annihilation using short-pulsed slow positron beam system, J. Network polymer 23(3), 150-157 (2002, In Japanese).

194. C. Q. He, Y. Q. Dai, B. Wang and S. J. Wang, Molecular weight effect on the microstructure and the local motion of high molecular weight polymer observed by positron, Material Science Forum, Vols.363-365, 309-312(2001). (IF:0.461)

195. He Chun-Qing, Dai Yi-Qun, Wang Bo, Wang Shao-Jie, Wang Gui-You and Hu Chun-Pu, Temperature dependence of free volume in cross-linked polyurethane studied by positron, Chinese.Physics Letters 18(1), 123-125 (Jan. 2001). (IF:1.135)

196. Shao-Jie Wang, B.wang, J. Zhu, Z. Wang, Y. Q. Dai, C.Q.He, Positron and positronium in insulators, Materials Science Forum Vols.363-365, 219(2001). (IF:0.461)

197. C. F.Ning, C. Q. He, M. Zhang, C. P. Hu, B. Wang, S. J. Wang, Mircro-structure and free volume properties of linear polyurethanes measured by using positron annihilation spectroscopy, Acta Polymerica Sinica Vol. 03, 299-305(2001, in Chinese) (IF:0.466)

198. Y. Q. Dai, C. Q. He, S. Q. Li, S. J. Wang, P. F. Fan and Y. Y. Chen, Positron annihilation mechanism correlation with microstructure of C60-contained Chitosan, Chinese Physics Letters 17, 457(2000). (IF: 1.135)

199. C. Q. He, Y. Q. Dai, B. Wang and S. J. Wang, Free volume properties of Interpenetrating Polymer Networks studied by positron annihilation, Wuhan University Journal of Nature Science Vol.46(1), 63 (2000, in Chinese).

200. Y. Q. Dai, C. Q. He, S. P. Zhang, S. J. Wang, Y.C.Ou, Z. Z. Yu, Microstructure properties of polyethylene-octene copolymer studied by positron annihilation, Wuhan University Journal of Nature Science, Vol.45(3), 317(1999, in Chinese).

201. B. Wang, M. Zhang, J. M. Zhang, C. Q. He, Y. Q. Dai, S. J. Wang and D. Z. Ma, Compositional and temperature dependence of free volume in segmented copolymer PET/PEO studied by positron annihilation lifetime measurement, Physics Letters A 262 (2-3), 195-205 (Nov. 1999, IF:1.468).

202. B. Wang, C. Q. He, J. M. Zhang, S. Q. Li, S. J. Wang, J. Z. Shi and D. Z. Ma, On the aging characterization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) by positron spectroscopy, Physics Letters A 235 (5), 557-561 (Nov. 1997, IF:1.468).

203. S.J.Wang, B.Wang, S.Q.Li, Y.Q.Dai, C.Q.He and S.P.Zhang, Positron annihilation in ionic conducting polymer, Materials Science Forum Vols. 255-257, 46-51(1997, IF: 0.461).

204. S. J. Wang, B. Wang, S. Q. Li, Y. Q. Dai, C. Q. He, S. P. Zhang, Microstructure of polymeric electrolyte PEU-LiCl4 studied by positron spectroscopy, Wuhan University Journal of Nature Science,Vol.2, No.2, 171-174 (1997).

205. S. P. Zhang, C. Q. He, C.L.Wang, S. J. Wang, Pressure relaxation of polymers studied by positron spectroscopy, Wuhan University Journal of Nature Science,Vol.43(3), 353(1997)

206. 蓝亦青,李滨旭,张天旭,张廷德,龙  象,王晓峰,何春清,刘海林. 利用韦尔伯福斯摆测量弹簧材料泊松比.物理实验 43(10),52-57(2023).

207. 陈耿剑,周新宇,何春清,王晓峰.由多边形小孔的远场衍射解释灯光的星芒.物理实验 39、3,27-31(2019).

208. NO2复合绝缘子硅橡胶表面构的影响. 罗义; 汪政; 陈龙; 黄振; 彭向阳; 何春清; 鹏飞. 绝缘材料, 2019, (03): 40-45.

209. 运行复合绝缘子表面憎水特性及微观结构研究. 陈龙;汪政;罗义;李静静;黄振;彭向阳;吴光亚;何春清;方鹏飞. 绝缘材料, 2020, 53(4): 19-26.

210. 基于等离子体处理的硅橡胶憎水恢复物理模型及评价方法研究 。彭向阳; 汪政; 黄振; 杨粤; 何春清; 方鹏飞. 中国电机工程学报, 2021, 41(18): 6481-6493.

211. 基于电化学交流阻抗谱的硅橡胶阻水性能研究. 汪政;彭向阳;黄振;杨粤;何春清;方鹏飞. 广东电力, 2021, 34(11): 75-86.

212. 复合绝缘子护套-芯棒界面异常老化特征及原因分析. 汪政,黄振,彭向阳,卢煜,杨粤,何春清,方鹏飞. 绝缘材料 2022,55(3):112-118.

213. 光伏直流集电技术应用研究.蔡阳,陈金福,覃新宇,舒 翔,何春清*. 中外能源 202429),30-34.





