When the characteristic length of a material shrink to 1 nm scale, many distinct physical phenomena, such as quantum confinement, enhanced many-body interactions and strong van der Waals inter-material couplings, will appear. To investigate these fascinating low-dimensional physics, we need a tool to quantitatively link the atomic structures to the physical properties of these very small nanomaterials. In this talk, I will introduce our recently developedin-situ Nano-optics + TEM, in-situ Nano-optics + CVD techniques, which combine capability of property characterization, structural characterization, and materials design/growth at individual nano-material level. Several examples of using this technique to study the 1D carbon nanotubes and 2D graphene will be demonstrated.
主要研究方向是:低维材料结构与物理。主要研究手段是:发展单个低维材料单元水平的原位透射电镜、纳米光谱学、化学气相沉积结合技术,以研究单个低维材料的生长、结构和性质的直接对应关系,从而揭露低维凝聚态物理中的新颖规律和材料生长机理。目前刘博士把该技术成功应用到一维碳纳米管、二维石墨烯体系,取得了一些研究成果。发表SCI论文40余篇,其中包括第一作者和通讯作者的Nature Nanotechnology (3篇), Nature Physics, Nature Communications (3篇), PNAS, JACS (2篇), Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, PRB, APL。